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Home Caméras-Industrielle EOL models MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M

MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M

MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M
MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M
MER-040-60UM-L, EOL, LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022, Remplacement est MER2-041-436U3M
EOL | LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022

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EOL | LAST TIME BUY 01-02-2022

USB2 Vision Camera

The Mercury USB2.0 camera series is an industrial vision camera, with an USB2.0 interface. USB2.0 is the most price competitive interface regarding industrial machine vision cameras.
This model is interesting for you when your application complies with the following conditions:
-    An inexpensive industrial camera
-    Maximum cable length of 5 meters
-    Only one cable is required to connect the device
-    Dimensions are: 29x29x29mm
-    Optional hardware triggering

If more details are required, the manual can be consulted.

Monochrome Camera

A black and white camera, also known as a monochrome camera, offers advantages in a variety of applications. While the market for security and telephony focusses on color cameras, the industrial market utilizes the advantages of black and white cameras. Black and white cameras are very light sensitive, provide sharp images and reduces data compared to color. This makes it ideal for the processing of images. By selecting the right color as your light source and lens filter, a black and white camera can utilize the product its characteristics. Hereby men can create images with a large contrast and a high resolution

Without I/O

Most applications do not require I/O. Applications that need a software trigger or need continuous imaging, do not need I/O. The USB port of a PC provides both power and data communication to the camera. If a I/O connector is not being implemented, both the material costs and development time will be reduced. The result is that L-version cameras are cheaper than the standard USB camera version.


Frame rate
Pixel Size
Sensor Type
Aptina MT9V032
Optical Size
Shutter Type
Global Shutter
Shutter time
Pixel Data Format
Mono8 / Mono10
1 opto-isolated input line and 1 opto isolated output line, 2 GPIO
Operating Humidity
Windows / Linux X86 (limited)
Power Consumption

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