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Home Logiciel 2ndLook (enregistrement vidéo) IOI 2nd Look H264 CPU encoder add-on, not required for intel processor with intel quick sync

IOI 2nd Look H264 CPU encoder add-on, not required for intel processor with intel quick sync

IOI 2nd Look H264 CPU encoder add-on, not required for intel processor with intel quick sync
IOI 2nd Look H264 CPU encoder add-on, not required for intel processor with intel quick sync
Add-on pour 2ndLook recording software to record with H264 compression using the CPU. If you have a processor with Intel quick sync, you can create H264 stream without this plugin.

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€ 75,00
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2ndLook H.264 encoder add-on

Avec l'encodeur H.264, il est possible d'utiliser la compression H.264 pour les enregistrements réalisés dans 2ndLook. 

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